Monday, July 18, 2011
Elder Myers July 18, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
May 16, 2011
Amada is doing pretty well. She is still progressing slowly but surely. Long story short she came to church last Sunday but was not able to stay because of her brothers health complications... We are still trying to help her get/recognize her answer to her prayers so that she can be baptized.
Eric and Heidi (siblings)
They both came to church this past Sunday and liked it. This was a big step for Eric because as of right now he still claims to be atheist, who doesn't see the need or benefit of faith (or according to the dictionary a belief in something without any evidence) in someone's life. He is changing though-his mom ran into our Branch President because they both work at the same hospital and long story short, his mom is noticing that Eric has much better manners towards his mom and the rest of the family since we have started to teach him. She also thought a lot of false doctrine about our church and President explained it all to her and so she is much more open to us coming over now. Heidi has just started listening in on our lessons with Eric. She claims that Eric is not truly atheist and that this is just a phase/something to do for attention.
Jose Luis
is a Seventh-Day Adventist that we teach once a week. We have been praying for the spirit of discernment a lot recently to understand how we should move forward with him. We cant tell if he sincerely wants to find the truth and that is why he is keeping his reading commitments or if he just trying to measure our religion against his.
Besides that we are just trying to build up our teaching pool full of people who want to be baptized as fully converted members.
She is still going well although she unfortunately missed her first Sunday in about a month and a half. We are still trying to start working with her husband.
Zorayda Bowman
We are still trying to work with her non-member kids. One of them, Harold 15, seems fairly receptive. She accepted the challenge to read a chapter out of the Book of Mormon everyday. She did not however, attend church this past Sunday.
Familia Aguirre
Angie and her two sons Kevin and Steve are doing pretty well as well. Angie is doing ok on her commitment to read a chapter of the Book of Mormon everyday, she is on Chapter 6. Steve still doesn't really have an interest in the gospel or going to church. We have recently started working with the YM President to help Kevin and Steve come to mutual every week. They did not go to church this past Sunday.
Hno Alejandro Campuzano
is really excited about receiving the priesthood as soon as he quits smoking. He is really learning a lot from re-learning the missionary lessons in preparation to teach the rest of his non-member and less-active family with us!
Familia Burga
Interestingly enough they are always very committed and interested when we have our weekly appointment but so far all the work we have done has brought forth Hermano Burga coming to church alone every week.
That is pretty much it.
I am still working on my goal of completing both Predicad Mi Evangelio and El Libro de Mormon before i go home! I feel like this week we could work even harder, especially on the other lessons and member present lessons taught. We are still working on setting a solid baptismal date!
Monday, May 9, 2011
May 9, 2011
We are working well down here in South Harbor. We are almost done with transitioning from filtering out all the investigators that are not progressing towards baptism and keeping the ones who are progressing. We are seeking the Lord's help as we undertake this often difficult process of evaluting your investigators and keeping only the ones who have already been prepared by the Lord to be baptized.
Eric is making huge progress for an athiest. He is reading the Book of Mormon every day and he even prayed about it! This is obviously a huge step for someone who has very very minimal faith left in God. He really does have a sincere desire to know the truth. We are helping him to relight the faith that he had growing up. We also just started teaching his sister, who is not an athiest. We will see how that goes.
Hermana Marina Suazo is still doing very well and coming to church every Sunday. We hope to work with her non member husband soon! She is one more member closer to the El Cabrillo branch becoming a ward!
Hermano Alejandro Campuzano is another less active we are working with. He has recently started coming back to church. President Jorgenson and we are helping him to quit smoking. This is the only thing that is holding him back from recieving the Melchezidek priesthood. We are helping the branch get the 20 active tithe paying Melchezidek priesthood holders that the Stake has said the Branch needs for it to become a ward.
I am reading through the Book of Mormon in Spanish right now and studying Preach My Gospel cover to cover. I hope to complete my goal of finishing both before the end of my mission!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Elder Myers April 18, 2011
Things are going great down here! We are working very hard and I am being more obedient and diligent than perhaps I have ever been on my mission.
Amada is progressing, albeit slowly, but progressing. She is still praying for her answer on when or if she should be baptized. She came to church the week before last. (this past week she said she was going to come late because she was going to go to a family members first communion) We plan to take her up to the Visitor's Center to help her receive her answer in a quicker more efficient way.
We are working with a lot of other people that are showing some potential, like two new former investigator families.
-We finally (after one and a half transfers of going every once and a while) got in touch with Ana and Rodney as the last thing we did with our "mini misionero" Alan Rodriguez. (We recognized each other because he attends the South Gate ward, where I just got transferred from. I did the mini mission with the Santa Monica stake last year. It is always a good way to see a little bit of just how different missionaries are and it helps me to remember back to how I used to be and how much I have grown.) They are excited to start learning again! They were taught by Elder Lovelace first and then Elder Tuttle.
-We also set up a return appointment with the Calderon family. They have been through eight or so sets of missionaries, but show some great potential as well.
-We are also working with Maria, a referral from the Harbor City sisters. She accepted the invitation to be baptized but said she felt too rushed to accept a date. She also said she would have to talk to her husband, whom she said was not too supportive of her religious endevours.
We are also teaching and being blessed with some success on the Less-Active front.
-Marina Suazo came to church after around 45 years of inactivity. She was baptized in Honduras a long time ago but has never been here in the States. She lives in an extremely small and humble apartment. It was a miracle of how we came into contact with her a few weeks ago. She was praying with a lot of faith that God would provide food for her. I had been thinking in the previous few days about what to do with the inordinate amounts of food we are blessed with from an Hermana in the branch. We came by 20 minutes after her prayer and she told us about it and I offered to drive home and get it and she gladly accepted. I love being an instrument in God's hands to answer his children's prayers. I have been thinking a lot about the recent service and charity focused General Conference.
-Zorayda Bowman drove the long trip to General Conference at the Stake Center and loved it. She has 2 unbaptized sons.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Elder Myers March 28, 2011
Amada is kind of at a stand still because she is distracted from her journey to receive an answer to her prayers about Joseph Smith because she is taking care of her brother who just received a chemotherapy treatment for his cancer. He is in the hospital now and not doing so well. He is a very less-active member that we were starting to work with before this happened.
We have only had two appointments with Gabriela but she seems very interested and committed. We haven't figured out the interest and commitment level of her husband.
We are still struggling to contact Teresa on a consistent basis and to figure out the best way to help her progress because she can't read. She is a referral from her semi-active member neighbor- who has given us and other missionaries a lot of good referrals!
Balbina and her boyfriend Juan are most likely switching jobs and will hopefully have Sunday off. I dont think this is a switch on behalf of a desire to attend church, although Balbina has a strong sincere desire to attend church and progress but with her three kids and her boyfriend with a very demanding work schedule it has been difficult to figure out an appropriate solution.
As for me, I am fairly close to being fully decided on leaving early to attend fall semester at BYU. Again I am doing this because if I did block I would lose out on $1,200 of scholarship money and because waiting until winter seems like too much time for me. I want to progress in my own life after the mission not come to a stand still. I am still feeling very uneasy about leaving before my full 24 month service time, despite what you told me in interviews. I am working on those feelings with the Lord in prayer before I make my final decision on when to leave. I will probably be contacting you soon if that is OK with you.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Elder Myers March 8, 2001
The only update from our area from last email is that we are continuing to try to contact some people (including Miguel who has a baptismal date....) We are also still working with Amada. She didn't come to church last Sunday because her son was in town last Sunday from Brazil. We will teach her about the importance of the Sabbath.
A new update is Teresa and her two sons Javier (6) and Emiliano (4). Her husband is waiting on the courts to decide if he will be deported back to MEX because he was caught as an illegal immigrant because he didn't pay a ticket and didn't go to court. She is a member referral and we are really excited to start teaching her. She is excited too. She is really interested in how family centered the gospel and the ward organization is. The only thing is that she can't read, so we will see how that goes.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Elder Myers Feb. 28, 2011
We got to president (not really a pres in the church just because he is pres of sunrider corp....) chen's MANSION today..... aka the second richest member in the world is right outside of our area (we cover parts of palos verdes and rancho pv,,,,) we wenr tto the members house today for p day as a zone! it is a tradition... we played tennis and went bowling and ping pong and pool., his house was gorgeous!!!!!! we werent allowed to take pics tho.... :(....
the people
she is a 60ish year old lady from Peru, where she had been to church with the missionaries a LONG time ago. She came to church last week! The branch (no dad that building in the pic was the english ward in our area- the san pedro building- there is anothe pic of elder tuttle and i standing in front of the cabrillo branch where we go.... but yeas the san pedro building is very nice!) was so warm and open with her! We are excited fro her! The only thing is that her husband doesnt want tolearn... He took her to church and is open to her learning but is not excited himself. We ahvent asked his permission (yet) for her to be baptized, just if we could teach her. We plan to go up to the VC asap with her!
She is the 19 yr old that already has 3 kids. We are currently working on a way to get them all to church because juan works and balbina says that it will be too much to handle her very crazy kids alone... they are progressing though- they read 3nephi11.... So we are excited for them!
set a baptismal date with him. We had an amazing lesson with him and he doesnt have any issues with any of the commandments but we have lost contact with him and are desperately trying to recontact him. He said we werent allowed to go by his house though bc his mom hates our church....
drunk guy trying to help him turn his life around before he gets deported when the cops find him. Has 2 kids. gf works. live in the ghetto.... He would def get baptized if he wasnt drunk all the time
julios neighbor (sadly enough he is pretty much the only reason we stop by juliuo because he is just not progressing. I hate thaat about the nmission because he really needs us... slash help in general slash a good influence....) he is progressing pretty well. HAs a problem with going to any and all churches though. That will change when he truly knows how different and true ours is....
Monday, February 21, 2011
Elder myers Feb. 21, 2011
I went through the temple with Jorge as he received his endowments for the first time. It was such an amazing experience! I hope to do it again with my other RCs! I def know from first hand experience that the temple is the goal of the gospel/missionary work.
oh to add to that: I went through in Spanish! It was really neat!!!
also we have an investigator who is 19 and she has 3 kids with her BF!!! She droppedout of HS halfway through soph year and had a kid at 16... I meet a ton of girls like this but she is only the second I have really talked to... so emma and lucy- how would you like to have kids now? DO NOT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
Monday, February 14, 2011
Elder Myers Feb 14, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Elder Myers Jan 26 2001
As a result of us cleaning up the ward list we havent really had much time to do anything else between the trainings etc so we have been doing that and keeping our progressing investigators/LA families going.