Amada is kind of at a stand still because she is distracted from her journey to receive an answer to her prayers about Joseph Smith because she is taking care of her brother who just received a chemotherapy treatment for his cancer. He is in the hospital now and not doing so well. He is a very less-active member that we were starting to work with before this happened.
We have only had two appointments with Gabriela but she seems very interested and committed. We haven't figured out the interest and commitment level of her husband.
We are still struggling to contact Teresa on a consistent basis and to figure out the best way to help her progress because she can't read. She is a referral from her semi-active member neighbor- who has given us and other missionaries a lot of good referrals!
Balbina and her boyfriend Juan are most likely switching jobs and will hopefully have Sunday off. I dont think this is a switch on behalf of a desire to attend church, although Balbina has a strong sincere desire to attend church and progress but with her three kids and her boyfriend with a very demanding work schedule it has been difficult to figure out an appropriate solution.
As for me, I am fairly close to being fully decided on leaving early to attend fall semester at BYU. Again I am doing this because if I did block I would lose out on $1,200 of scholarship money and because waiting until winter seems like too much time for me. I want to progress in my own life after the mission not come to a stand still. I am still feeling very uneasy about leaving before my full 24 month service time, despite what you told me in interviews. I am working on those feelings with the Lord in prayer before I make my final decision on when to leave. I will probably be contacting you soon if that is OK with you.