Monday, October 4, 2010

was really really really hot last week, we had an ALL TIME record high in LA of 113 this past Monday... It is raining for the first time in a loooong time today, but it will probably die out soon.... How is it in Chicago?
First off, I loved conference. I thought that it was too short though. Before the mission I thought it was wayyyy too long, now it is too short... kind of cool. I cant wait to read the conference Ensign! I LOVED the talks by:
-President Uchtdorf- I loved his message on simplicity, it is really for me.
-Elder Oaks- I have really been working on getting better at receiving revelation (I also like Elder Bednar's talk on the Holy Ghost) It will also come in handy when I TRY for the millionth time to explain why we need to go to church and that we need more than that "personal line"
-Elder Kearon- with the scorpion story
-President Monson- gratitude
-President Packer
-Elder Scott- character (I will need to really look at this talk later, it was a little confusing and hard to take notes on... It was more like my talks and less laid out and structured like Elder Oaks or Elder Bednar.)
I noticed a theme of following the Prophet, our power over Satan, Alma 41:10, the Holy Ghost, the world vs things of God/revelation.
I also noticed that (this might be more of just a personal message) is the importance of faith in casting out doubts and concerns. I loved hearing a reminder that faith is what makes it so that we are not troubled when people throw all kinds of doctrinal, personal, emotional, logical attacks against you and the church... Its not like people throw pies at us as they drive by but it seems almost everyday my testimony is tried in someway... I know this an important growing process for my testimony and me on my mission. I know it is part of the reason I am in LA- there are TONS of different kinds of peopleranging from the rich, very well educated (in terms of the world) to the less fortunate all with A TRILLION different beliefs.
I also thought of Malibu with a double whammie- from the point from Pres Benson's old talk that the rich and the well educated (from the world) are the two groups of people who will have the hardest time listening to the prophet.
Conference kind of came at a bad time though in terms of missionary work, we just had to drop 3 LAs and one investigator (I'm pretty sure I have already written about the Archundias and Elisleidi-Sergios mom). We are in the process of picking up two-three new ones, but it was too short to get them to conference and so only one came. Getting people to church, like always, is one of our biggest struggles. It is a good way to measure people's commitment level though.
We are trying really hard to get our recent converts to be self sufficient- by having them become converted to the gospel, like Elder Packer said. I think I am going to read over my notes about that Zone Conference. This is a really big struggle in this area though, especially because we are working with a lot of teenagers right now.
Our companionship is going really well. We work well together- we help each other out, providing what the other lacks. That's how it is supposed to be (that is my thinking anyway)
I am so glad you are taking that mission prep class and you are so converted to the gospel! I sometimes wish I had gone away from home before my mission- I always dismissed that possibility because I knew I didn't need to get used to living away from home because I knew that I would not get homesick- but now I see why I should have done that. It is all about becoming converted to the gospel, really truly converted- without relying on your parent's testimony for support. Learning how to rely on the Spirit is also VITAL for a mission. You are already doing GREAT missionary work! Stuff like that is like the field! (minus friends from home) Those kinds of commitments (promises) are exactly what we do every day (or try to) Bear your testimony a lot and feed it everyday. Don't be ashamed of the gospel.... btw were you talking to kenzie about Paul? haha how is she doing?

Sounds like you love BYU! To be honest I'm really apprehensive about going to BYU. I haven't had a companion yet (well I'm only on my third comp) who likes it. (to be fair none of them have actually attended school there...) My comp now is from Michigan but for the past ten years has been living with his fam in provo. Needless to say he strongly dislikes BYU and would NEVER go there... (little bit stronger than my feelings of local Northwestern... Basically he says there are a lot of fake girls, a lot of self righteous people and the parties STINK (he didn't drink in high school and wont obvi when he gets back, so its not in that way- but he said they were boring) and some other stuff... Also I DO NOT WANT TO GET MARRIED TO A BREATHTAKINGLY BEAUTIFUL BYU GIRL THE MONTH I GET HOME- OR EVEN THE YEAR I GET HOME... So I am kind of scared in that way too....
What are your thoughts on that? Oh and its in Utah and of all the stereotypes I have gotten over (ie hating the South because of their accents....) that one is hard for me- just from talking to comps etc Utah is not far from the way I pictured it....
my 3 goals:
1) Application of my studies, what I learned at conference, the Gospel etc I am really working on following up with my self in terms of goals and accomplishing my to-dos. Also not dominating conversations/arguing
2) Diligence- in everything from having effective studies, to Spanish, to being up to date in my journal, to using the Lord's time well
3) Learning about myself- how to know who I am based on what God has in store for me (humility in prayer) as well as being confident in myself and in God/ not letting others define who I am.
-the Holy Ghost/personal revelation/personal relationship with God/my testimony- especially basing it on the Savior and the BoM (this one is kind of like an all time goal so it doesn't count as one of the 3)
Looking back I just cheated- those are not just 3 goals.... I need to apply Pres Uchtdorf's talk on simplicity more...
I am happy and healthy so Mom dont you worry! Although I am still working on worrying less.