Monday, November 30, 2009

Elder Myers Nov 30, 2009

hey everyone i dont have much time because i spent most of my time reading emails but i need to get some info out to everyone:

i can ONLY send and recieve email from my family (siblings parents and grandparents) everyone else i will have to write/recieve snail mail:

Elder Mark William Myers
1591 E. Temple Way
Los Angeles, CA 90024-5801

i dont know if you have to have my full name or not as well as the 5801 but just put them on anyway to be safe i guess. also long story short: mail gets picked up from that address every tuesday and then i get it in my hands every friday....
so snail mail it is! sorry everyone!!!

ok that aside L.A. is awesome!my area is great, we have almost all of downtown. a ghetto (but not dangerous at all) latino neghborhood/all neighborhoods close to the city are pretty much latino.
dad i forgot to write this on the other email but if you ever go on a virtual tour again here is some more specifics: i live in an apartment l on the west side of the street closer to the beverly side... right by the smart and final store on the corner... also we walk up and down 3rd street more than any other street, also beverlery and then 6th... some of the streets taht we have spent the most time on are: we have an investigator on bonnie brae and 3rd (actually 2 and 1 recent convert all around that intersection) also union (drive i think), rampart, burlington etc (the west side of the city)
since i dont have much time ill briefly tell about thanksgiving- we went to skidrow (san pedro around 5th and 6th streets) check it out but its full of homeless people. its on the other side of our area/on the other side of the city... welll we handed out t shirts that we had made. nice dinner at part member family/inactive family. they are nice. they had three friends over. normal US food even though mom is from guatemala./
i speak a lot of spanish
im walking everywhere because i dont have a bike yet.... its fun! get to really feel the city!
pics soon- i think i can email them from here... slash ill mail my usb drive when i get it.... but i want to email some pics home next monday when i have more time so you can put them in the family x mas card- are you doing one this year??

love you!!!!!!!!

sorry i didnt have much time, i will next week but i had a lot of emails to read... everyone- pleaaaase switch to snail mail!!!