Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Elder Myers Nov 3 2009

ok so first off i love everyone!
i have no idea if i will be able to email next tues- the day before i leave so yeah...

but FLIGHT INFO- 8:25 Utah time departure on delta, direct flight to LAX. report to front desk here at MTC at 5AM. as for the call i have been asking around and not sure if i can- but i have heard that i can more than i have heard that i cant... ill try to firm up a time but probs between 6AM-745AM utah time i think....

anyway.... but i CAN email in the field (talked to an elder who long story short is back in the MTC now but served in LA... he also said that they didnt have any bikes because they got stolen too much, so just a car, and its safer that way. he was there for two transfers... so wait on the bike if possible? or if you have talked to someone from the mission like one of the people working in the office there than thats cool and forget what i just said...) anyway- i can email in the field- every P- day, read letters everyday, write letters only on p day... so could you pass along my email address? (williammyers7@myldsmail.net) thanks so much! also my address to the mission home please- just email it to whoever you forward this email too- sorry i dont have it memorized and i dont have it with me right now at the comp...

ok continuing with the business items: (please respond asap in a dear elder because they are all pretty time sensitive... thanks so much!)
-how much did that small fan cost? im thinking about sending it home becasue i wont use it- i have been fine without white noise and besides i hate fans because of my contacts hahaha. so if its more than like ten bucks and you would use it ill send it home... otherwise ill leave it with some elders or just ship it to myself with my box o junk. but do expect a letter with my planner from the MTC so you can see what i did everyday yay! and other stuff maybe
-my medication: found out from the doc that it is AGAINST FEDERAL law to send them so he said that all that stuff goes through mission pres, dont worry ill make sure to get focalin xr 30mg. but i kind of need to know/he needs to know whats up with my insurance... btw the doc also said that i was pre selected to stay in US because that med/all ADHD meds cant be taken out of US so i would either have to not put it and not take it or stay in US and im going to LA. dont worry im not mad! im pumped for LA!
-bag- im looking for a smallish bag but i think i might as well get it in the field so unless you find something AMAZING and RIDICULOUSLY cheap dont bother and ill buy one myself in the field... i want to see whats up there- all i know is that you dont carry around preach my gospel and stuff like that... so yeah...
-i got the package and my district and i LOVED it! we have had three root beer sessions to relax after the day... haha and dont worry they liked the scones and i told them that they were even better usually and they were pretty impressed!
- PLEASE SEND THAT BOOK that everyone wrote in from the ward and the moffats and that dad was finishing writing in- i want to have my district and others sign it...

ok sorry that i had so many business items... but yeah getting ready to leave and stuff- i have a lot to care of before LA! YAY

thanks for letter and im glad the funeral was good and that you got to visit with grandpa and grandma (i wrote them a letter today) especially that jack loves talking with them! and speaking of him- my companion (whom im getting along well with) and elder whitney (from cafe rio) LOVE reading his dear elders! he is hilarious!

to answer your other questions- i havent seen john scott yet which is kinda weird, is he in beginning or intermediate spanish?. i liked hosting- i think i kept a sister from crying so thats good... haha and io get to host again tomorrow. i know how the first day works pretty well because that elder i was talking about told me. meet pres and ZLs at airport. luggege taken to mission home. i go tract/work then meet back up for dinner and interviews with pres at mission home... then regular day the next day in my area../... no idea where i sleeep..

ok 5 mins left and i want to tell you a story/that i participated in two more blessings- i annointed my teacher with oil (bro vance because he was really sick last week) and participated in blessing of comfort with and hermana in my district...
also we taught daniel this week- he is billed as a "real" investigator in the place where you prac taeaching but he NEVER broke character and didnt care if we prac teaching skills -when you teach a teacher or volunteer they let a lot of stuff slide so we can continue teaching but yeah he was like i dont need religion in my life, you are being pushy, character was a drug dealer in business school, from mexico (actually is though) and so yeah we "taught" in spanish meaning we tried to get him to leason and it was veryyyy difficult. we have another appointment this thu so yeah
love you