Monday, April 5, 2010

Elder Myers April 5, 2010

hello everyone i love you! (i have to think of something new i think i say that every time... oh well)
to start off i loved general conference! it was really good and i wrote a lot of questions down before hand and took good notes and pretty much all of them got anwsered (i bet all of them did but ill have to wait for the may issue of the ensign to hunt for answers to some of my more peculiar questions... hhaa)
as for elder rasband- i loved his talk especially the part about how the calls come! he came and talked to the MTC like 4-5 times and was one of my favorite speakers while there. He related a similar story to us about how calls work... (or maybe it was another speaker i cant remember....)
it was really cool about how they were pretty much all about strengthening the family. President Monson said (i found this out in the MTC) that they dont get assigned topics and that they are allowed to speak about anything and that they dont do any correlating/coordinating between them,.. cool! it is what we really need to hear!
it was/is going to be cool using general conference to answer members/investigators questions- one good example was elder oaks' talk from priesthood session about giving blessings- one of the members (well part member family taht i will talk about later...) asked us a very specific question and we could explain the answer in detail straight from elder oaks! it really gives validation/allows for the spirit to bear testimony about what you are talking about if it comes straight from an apostle of the Lord! so we gave her a blessing- we found out that she just had a misscarraige and might be going to have a D&C tomorrow...! i love the comfort that priesthood blessings give! you should ask dad or someone who went to priesthood session about the talk it was very enlightening....
well we spent our easter dinner out on a state park in the middle of no where at a part member family's home! it was weird! ill have to send some pics home but my area is def very diff from my last one! but yeah it was wonderful and we are going to try to start teaching the husband (he is the non member) they are a very nice family. Two other non members where there but unfortunatly/long story short we probably wont start teaching them because we have talked to them before and they arent "escogido" or chosen/elect yet... the mom is muslim/from iran- it was really cool hearing about that part of the country slash that religion i want to travel the world so badly! haha anyway appearantly i have a really good pharsee (dont know how to spell it but thats the phoenetic way...) accent haha they were like are you sure you arent jewish/middle eastern? haha
we are also working with another muslim lady that will hopefully be baptized... its just hard getting into peoples homes to teach them, we are pretty much only able to get over there 1-2 times a week because they are all so busy! but yeah last time we went to her house she said she would be baptized but only if this guy named brother wagner who used to teach her like 7 years ago preformed it. so now we are trying to find this guy who lives in utah (really narrows it down...) but we think he used to be the old temple president...
we are also starting to teach the niece of one of the less active/recent converts we are working with.... we are really excited about her but again, long story short the guy (lance) has been acting really weirdly due to some medication that his doctor put him on anyway he hasnt let us in to teach her/he kept trying to avoid us anyway yeah their family situation isnt all taht great but it isnt much different than some/a lot of the poeple i worked with in my last area, but of course the ward mission leader etc arent used to those kinds of situations anyway i dont know what i am trying to say except ill keep you posted!!!
as for that part member family i was talking about earlier- we have taught him three times and the mother in law is in town and she told us when he was in the other room that both her and her daughter (the member) are very excited because alan (the non member) really likes us a lot and they are both surprised at how well he is doing/progressing... this is huge news because he has been taught for 4ish years on and off by the missionaries but comes to church every sunday but isnt baptized.... but appearantly he didnt have a good relationship with the last two elders... so we are also excited about him!
i have to go sorry this one was so short! more next time!
looks like you had so much fun in utah! give everyone my love!
