Monday, April 12, 2010

Elder Myers April 12, 2010

hello everyone! short email this week because i dont have any time left! but i love you guys!
a little about my area that was in response to something my mom said
- i was born to be in areas like this and in my recent interview with the president he told me why i was in this area- because he can trust me to do the work even though it would be really really easy to "bucket" as we call it in the mission or just not work... and have no one but the Lord and your companion know, that i am well put together/proffesional/clean cut, that i know my social graces, that i am smart and i know my doctrine and the members/people dont respect people who arent smart, that i am social and could network well, and that i am a people person and i get along with everyone/i have a dynamic personality... so yeah. he also said similar stuff to elder bigler too and we work really well together, and a surprising amount of people in the ward and less actives can relate to him/know where his small town is in idaho because they have driven through it- so far only three people have known where evanston is and one who knew wilmette/winnetka hahah but of course everyone knows ezactly where chicago is....
also HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACK!!!! i will send you a cool card tomorrow but i just wanted to wish you a happy birthday!
(mom- am thinking of sending him my badge i wanted to send my extra to you for sentimental reasons but i think that he would get a kick out of that... president doesnt recommend giving them out to members just becuase they are so special and almost sacred/once in a lifetime thing (sometimes when elders go home they want to give them away to families they love...) but i think that its ok becuase he is my brother and i love him oh so much! haha so what do you think?
not too much else! we are still plugging away at our area with networking through less actives, members, and part member families. alan beck will be baptized in the near future with us (maybe not with elder bigler because we both feel and elder ellett one of our APs hinted that i would stay here longer...) so we are excited at the progress he is showing! he is that investigator that has a member wife taht has been taking the discussions for quite sometime!
our area is gorgeous! i will have to send some pics home soon but its amazing- the population density is on the COMPLETE opposite side of the spectrum as my last area haha
we got to go to our bishops house last night for some dinner- it is way up this canyon and his house over looks this canyon/ravine and its the only house for miles and he is an architect so he designed his house it is pretty cool. another member family was there too and they love us! we are really starting to gain the trust of the members. they really loved the lesson elder bigler and i gave especially because we had to teach to like 15 people ranging from 5 to 16 to adult... oh and we are doing as much service (the kind you cant wear missionary clothes to do...) as we can to gain their trust/reactivate some less actives- side note i got to pet 4 horses and a goat at a less actives house with elder elllett and elder bigler after service pulling LOTS AND LOTS of weeds from the hillside they owned....
kenzie- go on a mission and where is my letter you hypocrite! :) just kidding ill be patient because i know the lord wants me to work on it becuase he sent me to this area... ahah
sarah- I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO jealous of you going to see picasso and velazquez! and going to a barcelona game! any missionary out here can tell you that is one of my dreams!!!! they are my fav team!!!!!! you got to see messi (bnest player in world) and ibrahemovich and eto play!!!
kenzie sarah ben and peter and anyone else- we are goinhg to tour the world after my mission!
peter- letter soon in next week
