Monday, September 27, 2010

Elder Myers September 27, 2010

Hello everyone!
Boy is it HOT here! We are getting a heat wave and it has been like 95 the past three days and we heard it is here to stay for a little... It is wayyy hotter than it ever was this past summer!

The people
We are both doing very well here in Centinela East. We had to drop our investigator this passed week. As you know from the DDM you went to, she wasn't keeping her appointments and she did not come to church this passed week. We will continue to have contact with her though because we are going to keep teaching Sergio (her son/RC). We plan to pick her back up when she comes to church/keeps commitments that we will give to her and Sergio. She hasn't smoked in a while, which is good! Like we said, it is weird that she kept her big commitments but not the easy ones like appointments...

We also found out that Jamson Chuc- who was baptized the second week Elder Franson and I got into this area- does not have a testimony of the Church and he had many doubts that he was holding back this whole time. We went by weekly since he was baptized but we thought the only reason he was being not interested at church/in appointments was because he is really really shy. We have been applying the trainings since we received them and he has started to open up, until this passed week when he really opened up. Needless to say I know that the things we learned in the trainings really work and that they are the by far the best approach to missionary work. We now know how much help he needs even though it was discouraging to find out how unconverted he is to the gospel. I was pretty down after the appointment because I really want to help him and I know the only way is through the gospel. I didn't let it get to me too much though.

my thoughts
yep it is official my biggest struggle is personal diligence you could say. I am working on having more effective studies, to be honest a lot of the time Elder Franson and I get into a conversation (most of the time it is strictly gospel related) during comp study which bleeds into Spanish study. I know I could be doing more to get better at Spanish like actually studying my vocab pocket notebook thing throughout the day...etc I wouldn't say I am struggling with the language and I think it has been improving but I wouldn't say I am fluent either, just really conversational... I am really trying to get over the excuse of it being hard to learn Spanish being bilingual and in the states, and no one under 25 wants to speak Spanish- even to their parents a lot of the times, which is weird and kinda about parent to teen communication problems...

Elder Myers