Monday, January 11, 2010

Elder Myers Jan 11, 2010

hey everyone! sorry i dont have too much time because this email client is horrible and it always deletes my messages but anyway!
i love you all!

im sorry to hear chicago is -17! i was sweating up a storm sitting at a bus stop in the sun! it will cool down to a bitter 64 tomorrow though!

the chavez family have not been baptized yet, we have run into a couple of minor speed bumps in their road of eternal salvation but we are confident they will be baptized in this month. the uncle is very ready (jorge) he has a strong testimony and always studies his reading and has great Qs. he just has a few things he needs to clear up but he is super ready and everyone else is almost ready too. its just hard converting deeply rooted catholic familes. its such a culture in mexico and the grandparents live with them and although they are very very nice they are also very very veyr very catholic and very in love with the virgin mary. we love the chavez family though! we always joke around in the district that we are going to start a chavez (well ambris- granparents name... branch! haha)

speaking of the chavez familia i had fritada at their house last week! fritada is fried pigs innards...!!!! i didnt know what i was eating at the time- they said it was chicarron which is basically mexican ham/bacon (its fried pigskin...) anwyay i thought it was interesting very very very rubbery. fortunatly like everything else in mexico there was copious amounts of chile on it so i didnt taste the full flavor haha

dad or mom asked about waht i am studying. i just finished the miracle challange (last month) of the NT and BoM and now i have started reading (very slowly and carefully with much note taking) jesus the christ. i am also going to start el libro de mormon soon! i love jesus the christ so far! it is an AMAZING book to read on the mission and i am always very excited to read it everyday. elder talmage has some amazing insites into everything and i like how thorough (sp) he is! love the detail! im learning so much! for example about the nomenclature of jesus christ and His various titles...
love it

well i dont have much time left! i love the city and getting to know the streets better! i cant wait to bring everyone out here when i get back, but lets not think about that yet! haha. i just hope that i am getting some street smarts! haha at least i will know the bus system really well and the subway- its soooo nice! jsut not that useful- not extensive like NYC but nonetheless its so new and nice and surprisingly not dirty like verything else hear... haha yeah we had a really bad smog day the other day! it was crazy we couldnt see the hollywood sign anymore and the mountains were very hard to see and we almost couldnt see the far ones at all- those ones were even harder to see! it was crazy!i love it! haha

well i have to go!
i love you all!
i hope everyone gets a chance to see my pics!